Missional Mothering

This article from The Resurgence blog is written to young mothers who have feelings of guilt that they should be doing, giving, and accomplishing more.  The typical tendency in many Christian circles is to tell a mom who is feeling this guilt things like, "You don't need to feel guilty," "You are a great mom," or "That's just the culture that tells you that you need to be supermom."  While these encouragements may all be true, the author reminds us that we need to start with Scripture.  In fact, we should consider that these guilty feelings may be a good thing, if we use them as a tool to draw near to God and pursue Him.
"Don't waste that guilt.  Pay attention to it.  Use it.  Take it out of the shadows and examine it in light of Scripture.  Is this a godly grief that leads to repentance or a worldly grief that produces death (2 Cor. 7:10)?"
After examining Scripture, and comparing that with our heart motives (especially in the context of community), we must remember that children should be the primary ministry investment for a young mother.  A mother adds what no one else can.  Serving her family is her calling from God.

Of course, this doesn't mean that a young mom cannot or should not invest in others outside her family.  But the caution is to make sure that she "doesn't let anything diminish [her] unique role as a wife and mother."

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