We were in Greenville for a week last month, which included a handful of doctor and dentist appointments including Sender falsely accusing me of abuse. (And, FYI, all those fillings you get when you're a kid apparently have a shelf life of about 25 years, so I've been having to get them replaced over the last few years.)
Hannah was eagerly anticipating getting her braces off. She's had them for almost 2 years now, and has done a great job taking care of them in that time. We love our orthodontist!
After that appointment, Joanna took her for a haircut. Besides a room cluttered with "decorations" -- like around Christmas and Hanukkah -- one of Hannah's biggest recurring issues is her hair being full of knots. A trim would do her good, we figured.
But when they arrived, the hair stylist asked if Hannah if she wanted to get enough cut off to donate. It was shorter than we originally anticipated, but it looks so cute! And for a great cause (it's the 2nd time she's donated for Locks of Love).
And no more knots (at least for a while)!
Yay, Hannah!