Recommended: The Case for Faith -- Student Edition

Based on the recommendation of the student ministry of Grace Church, we bought a copy of The Case for Faith -- Student Edition for our daughter to read over the summer. Actually, I'm proud to say that Hannah saved and earned the money to buy the book herself.

The staff and leaders in that ministry had been noticing that many of the students were asking questions about faith, salvation, and other doctrinal matters. In order to challenge and encourage them in their faith, the staff is suggesting that the students read this book this summer.

In this book, author Lee Strobel helps answer some common objections to the Christian faith, objections that many teenagers have heard from friends and the culture, or will probably hear in the near future.

Throughout the summer, the students will meet together and discuss with leaders. However, since we are a good 3 hours away, she and I will read and discuss this book ourselves.

If you have a preteen or a teenager, I highly recommend you read this book with them. Only six chapters long, you could finish this book in an hour or two, or stretch it out to read over a 4-6 weeks. Hannah and I will read a chapter or two at a time, and then go on a "mini-date" to discuss.

Looking forward to this opportunity to help my daughter grow in her faith and her walk with God! Be sure to buy your copy, too.

Edit: This was one of the Top Books I Read in 2013

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