More Gospel-Centered Parenting Articles

I regularly collect and share gospel-centered parenting articles. Here are some more:

Open Letter to My Daughter-In-Law (Terrie van Baarsel)
I think this was written to me, not the author's daughter-in-law.
"There will come a day when you will respond to your beloved baby with impatience. Believe it or not, you have the capacity to be unkind to him. You will be tempted to envy that other mother who always seems to have it all together (she doesn’t) and on your good days make the prideful assumption that you have it all together. You may rudely interrupt your boy in the middle of a sentence to answer a text or sneak a peek at the book you are trying to read, and you will insist on your own way, not because it is best for him, but more convenient for you."

Setting Up My Kids for Salvation (Tim Challies)
A great reminder that my works won't save my kids.
"They can’t earn their salvation and I can’t earn it for them. I believe the Lord has saved or will save them and they will be saved not by their father but like their father—by trusting in Christ and Christ alone as he opens their eyes to see him and as he opens their hearts to receive him. Their souls are in the good hands of the good God." 

Stories of My Dad (Ray Ortlund)
This the kind of Dad I need to be like. This pursued Jesus with all of himself, and encouraged his son to do the same.

Comfort for Christian Parents of Unconverted Children (Jim Elliff)
10 important and encouraging truths about salvation. I need to constantly remember that God loves and pursues my children much more than I do, and I'm so grateful for that!

Praying for Our Children's Salvation (Joel Beeke)
This is the kind of stuff I enjoy from Beeke (and not this book).
"The children of believers have an external holiness—a place in the visible church—but they do not share in the salvation promised in the covenant unless and until they are regenerated by the Holy Spirit."

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