Upon seeing the folded down "stow & go" seats in the van: "Hey! That looks like a dance floor!!" And yes, they did.
Jumping out of front seat van window Dukes of Hazard style, yelling "waaaaahoooooo!!"
His comment on the peanut butter & jelly sandwich I served for lunch: "Um, did you not know I don't really like peanut butter?"Me: "Well, your mom told me you eat pretty much anything..."S: "Well, 'pretty much' "..... (i think if he knew how to use "air bunnies" quotations he would have)
Playing with the girls' dollhouse, asking my daughter, "Where's the potty? They need a boy's potty and a girl's one. They can't use the same ones. We need two. Do you have two potties?"
Glad he was a blast to our friends. He brings such joy to our lives, too!
this one makes me happy!