What Brings You Joy in Parenting?

A few weeks ago, we heard a sermon on 3 John. Although verse 4 mentions the word "children," this passage is not written in the context of parenting.

Still, the pastor reminded us about our mindset and attitude in parenting. Here is the verse:

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

What do your kids do that bring you the greatest joy? Is it . . .
  • their athletic accomplishments?
  • when they earn academic accolades or scholarships?
  • when they leave you alone to get some peace and quiet?

All of these things are not inherently bad or wrong. But these should not be what brings us the greatest joy, or even a disproportionately large amount of joy.

What should bring us the greatest amount of joy in our parenting? When our children are walking in the truth.

What does "walking in the truth" look like?
  • A love for God and God's word.
  • Having a heart that honors and trusts in authority.
  • Loving others more than himself.
  • Humility and integrity.
  • etc.
Check out this video from the Verge Network about discipling the next generation...

Let us pray ...
  • For our children, that they would walk in the truth. 
  • For ourselves, that we not seek joy and satisfaction in the wrong sources.
  • That our children would exceed our dreams, and follow God's.

Related Link:

**image courtesy of worobad via flickr

1 comment :

  1. Yes Joey!!!! And Amen to those prayers!!!!!!
