Raising Disciples in 3 Steps

From Matt Blackwell, on Verge Network:
"Parents have to work hard to build a Christ-centered home and not a kid-centered home, because a kid-centered home produces self-centered adults. Parents have to constantly strive to take their kids out of the center of the family and remind them that Christ is the center."

Taking cues from Deuteronomy 6:5-9, Blackwell highlights three sequential steps in discipling our children:
  1. On your hearts:  "As a parent your first step in making disciples of your kids is to be a disciple."
  2. Impress them on your children:  This involves both discipline ("A parent’s role, especially a Father, is not to crush his children but to cultivate them.") and delight ("Parents, you are to rejoice in and delight in the blessing of your kids today, not in some future version of them.")
  3. Talk about them:  "Don’t let discipleship be isolated to Sundays, but let it be a natural part of your day."

Be sure to read the full article, 3 Steps to Raising Disciples.

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**image courtesy of Kodiak1 via RGBstock.com

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