Recommended: What Did You Expect??

What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of MarriageI have already said that What Did You Expect?? (Paul Tripp) is the best marriage book I've ever read, so much so that I am reading through it for the second straight year.  Going beyond the level of marital skills, Tripp reminds us that before we can succeed in "horizontal" relationships (such as with our spouse), we must focus on the "vertical" one (with God).  Any hope in my marriage can never rest on my own skills or my spouse's marriage, but in the redeeming power of grace of our Creator and Savior.

For us, this book has led to some great and much-needed (though very hard) discussions.  God has used this resource to expose our hearts, to help us see so clearly how we idolize ourselves, instead of worshiping God and loving each other.

If you are married and do not have a copy, consider buying it as a Valentine's Day gift for yourselves.  Commit to reading through it together over the next few months, taking time to discuss each chapter.

If you have read this book, can you add any thoughts (pro or con)?   Do you have another marriage book that you recommend?

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  1. I've recently read "Love and War" by John and Staci Eldredge and it is my favorite marriage book, by far. But I do plan on reading Tripp's book, as well. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhaun. (sp) As the title suggests, it's geared toward the ladies but, it has been VERY valuable to me (and my husband) in our marriage.

  3. I'd suggest "When Sinners Say I Do" by Dave Harvey.
