Gardens of Home and Church


From J.D. Greear, God Uses Two Gardens to Grow Our Children --

The Home

"The home is the place where our kids will see the gospel lived out. It is where they see the unconditional love and forgiveness that flows from hearts touched by grace. It is as we do everyday life with our kids—cleaning the garage, driving in the car, going to bed—that we have the opportunities to apply the gospel to brokenness, pain, or conflict."

The Church

"Our kids need a “second family” to have a full sense of belonging and identity. They need mentors other than their parents to speak into their lives or for them to confide in. 

The church can’t make up for what isn’t happening in the home, but it can complement it."

I encourage you to read the full article.

Then read this book review of Connecting Church and Home.

**image courtesy of Tacluda via

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