
Great Britain, United Kingdom, England, and More

Joanna and I have had semi-regular conversations trying to clear this up. This video sure helps:

Then again, I may be more confused now.


  1. Love it!!!! Can I steal it for my fb page? for all the people who ask me if I live in England or the United Kingdom...YES to both! And Great Britain! My favorite people are the ones who seriously asked if I was going to be able to communicate well in England since I don't speak French. I had to not laugh in their face as I said "They speak ENG-lish in ENG-land."

  2. Susan, it's all yours (well, it's not really mine to give).

    -- Joey

  3. I had to stop at 3:30. too much info. oh, and that God, He's such the micro manager.

  4. Wow, I understand it all better after a 5 minute video than I did after 3 months of living in London! Thanks for sharing!
